Brain Injury & Personal Injury Law – free consultations

Calgary personal injury lawyer Trevor Ford has 32 years experience handling brain injury cases.

Trevor Ford has 32 years of experience representing victims of brain injuries caused by negligence. An injury to the brain can range from a mild concussion, also known as a mild traumatic brain injury, to a severe brain injury resulting in permanent disability or death. All brain injuries have the potential to leave the victim with permanent physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioural symptoms.  

Traumatic brain injury can be caused by a sudden acceleration/deceleration of the cranial vault that causes the brain to move inside the skull or damages the skull. This in turn damages the brain. A traumatic brain injury can also be cause an external force, such as a blow to the head, which causes the brain to move inside or damages the skull.

Personal Injury Lawyer – Calgary
32 years of brian injury law experience
Calgary Brain Injury Lawyer – free consultations

The effects of a brain injury can vary depending on the severity of the initial injury.  For example, a mild brain injury may cause headaches, vomiting, nausea, confusion, and memory problems for a limited period of time. In a moderate brain injury, symptoms can last longer and be more pronounced. In both cases, a percentage of people will have persistent or permanent problems after one year. With a severe brain injury, the victim may suffer life-changing and debilitating problems. These can include cognitive, behavioural, and physical disabilities.  Some people may require the care of others for the rest of their lives.

If you have been a victim of a car accident or other traumatic event it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of a brain injury. Some symptoms may appear immediately after the accident, while others may show ups days or weeks later.

MORE INFORMATION: see our car accident injury lawyer page

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Signs and Symptoms

Physical symptoms:

  • Persistent headache or headache that worsens 
  • Inability to awaken from sleep 
  • Repeated vomiting or nausea 
  • Loss of consciousness from several minutes to hours 
  • Dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes 
  • Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears 
  • Convulsions or seizures 
  • Weakness or numbness in fingers and toes 
  • Loss of coordination

Cognitive or mental symptoms:

  • Coma and other disorders of consciousness 
  • Profound confusion 
  • Agitation, combativeness or other unusual behaviour 
  • Slurred speech

Children’s symptoms

Infants and young children with brain injuries may lack the communication skills to report headaches, sensory problems, confusion and similar symptoms. In a child with traumatic brain injury, you may observe:

  • Change in eating or nursing habits 
  • Unusual or easy irritability 
  • Change in ability to pay attention
  • Persistent crying and inability to be consoled 
  • Loss of interest in favourite toys or activities
  • Change in sleep habits 
  • Sad or depressed mood 

Personal Injury Lawyer – Calgary
32 years of brain injury law experience
Calgary Brain Injury Lawyer – free consultations

When to see a doctor

Always see your doctor if you or your child has received a blow to the head or body that concerns you or causes behavioural changes. Seek emergency medical care if there are any signs or symptoms of traumatic brain injury following a recent blow or other traumatic injury to the head.

The terms “mild,” “moderate” and “severe” are used to describe the effect of the injury on brain function. A mild injury to the brain is still a serious injury that requires prompt attention and an accurate diagnosis.

How Are Brain Damage and Brain Injuries Treated?

Anyone who has a head or brain injury needs immediate medical attention.

A brain injury that seems mild — referred to as a concussion– can be as dangerous as clearly severe injuries. The key factor is the extent and location of the damage. Brain injury does not necessarily result in long-term disability or impairment. But the correct diagnosis and treatment is needed to contain or minimize the damage.

The extent and effect of brain damage is determined by a neurological exam, neuroimaging testing such as MRI or CT scans, and neuropsychological assessments. Doctors will stabilize the patient to prevent further injury, ensure blood and oxygen are flowing properly to the brain, and ensure that blood pressure is controlled.

Almost all patients will benefit from rehabilitation to assist in long-term recovery. That may include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Psychological support

Trevor Ford has 32-years of experience representing victims of brain injury, ranging from minor concussions to life altering brain injuries where the victim has required permanent future care for all activities of daily living. Trevor has experience and knowledge in understanding and proving the potential long-term effects of a brain injury.  In the development of a brain injury case, Trevor will identify the nature of expert evidence that is required to maximize the recovery of your damages.  Your case is strengthened by a team of experts who are recognized as leaders in their field.  It is Trevor’s goal to ensure that his clients receive everything necessary to restore their lives to the fullest extent possible.

If you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury it is essential to retain experienced and competent counsel as soon as possible to ensure that your case is handled properly from the beginning. Trevor Ford will meet with you at your convenience and will explain all of the steps involved in the litigation process. If it is necessary and appropriate Trevor Ford will meet with you at the hospital or make a home visit. There is no cost for the initial consultation.

Trevor Ford represents clients who have suffered a brain injury on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will only pay a fee once you receive a settlement or judgment. Trevor’s fee is calculated based on a percentage of your settlement or award. If you have any questions regarding brain injury claims or require a second opinion you may contact Trevor Ford for a free initial consultation.

Personal Injury Lawyer – Calgary
32 years of brain injury law experience
Calgary Brain Injury Lawyer – free consultations

Common Brain Injury Questions:

How does the victim of a severe brain injury retain and instruct a lawyer?

Normally, the family or loved ones of the victim will be the initial point of contact. A team of experts will determine the severity and long-term implications of the brain injury. If the victim is unable to instruct counsel a person can be appointed as their guardian.

Can I make a claim if my baby suffered a brain injury during delivery?

A litigation representative who is usually a parent or guardian can commence litigation on behalf of a minor infant. The litigation representative can retain and instruct the lawyer who will represent the infant.

Is a concussion considered a brain injury?

A concussion is considered a minor traumatic brain injury (MTBI). A concussion needs to be diagnosed by a professional and treated accordingly. The professional will determine the severity of the concussion primarily based on clinical judgment of the symptoms presented.

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